Saturday, April 27, 2013

Recipes driver loves caring for the weaker sex

 Bí quyết chăm sóc xế yêu cho phái yếu - 1
Not only men, women also can take care and maintenance required by the driver experience, observation and simple handling ...

For years, people have postulated that the care and maintenance of vehicles is only a man's job. However this is not entirely true. The female car owners can complete maintenance and care of their loved drivers to avoid repair shop or into trouble unnecessarily on the road.
Here are 4 tips on care and maintenance of the beautiful car that the car owner should know:
Pay attention to the tires
Tires may be one of the most important parts of the safety equipment on newer cars. If the tires in good condition, the car can immediately follow your control when braking or avoiding obstructions to avoid accidents. Conversely, if the tires are worn, distorted, no one dared to assert that that will happen.
So, should pay attention to the regular tires by kierm check tire pressure. Normal pressure on most popular cars from 32-35 psi. You can measure tire pressure measuring devices are reasonably priced at the auto parts store.

Bí quyết chăm sóc xế yêu cho phái yếu - 1

                                        Women should also know about simple car care
Isle of tires every 13,000 km distance. This is the best way to prolong the life of the tire. If someone recommends replacement tires should be consulted before deciding to buy a new tire by a number of auto parts garage or just want to sell tires only.
Change the oil regularly
Most of the cars are usually recommended oil change every 9,000 km journey, while the newer cars can have longer distances, from 12,000 -16 000 km. Remember, oil is the lifeblood of your car engine, to help the motor function of the best performing, most durable. So never forget to change the oil, because the consequences would be incalculable.
Do not buy expensive service packages
The automobile dealer has hundreds of ways for customers to buy the premium service package, even including interior cleaning services, a regular feature on the car - it is not always necessary . You should carefully read the user manual recommended by the manufacturer and therefore, you may even be surprised to discover automobile dealer or garage your vehicle maintenance proposal more practical needs of the vehicle.
Careful tests with free or cheap
If a car dealer in your area or a garage to invite you to check the overall free or cheap car, you be wary. With cars, the test is divided into 2 categories: easy and hard. Some tests are less easy to detect the problem or if there is more to the purpose of selling in the repair service of resellers that error. Meanwhile, the overall test accuracy to never cheap, usually lasting at least 1 hour labor ...

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