Monday, March 25, 2013

U.S. President wants to invest $ 2 billion for the car "green"

U.S. President Barack Obama would like to suggest the country's parliament approved an pumping $ 2 billion fund for green car technology research activities.

U.S. President Barack Obama announced that he would like to suggest the country's parliament passed funds pump $ 2 billion for green car technology research activities in order to reduce dependence on fossil fuel sources.

In a speech on the weekly radio and Internet, Obama said: "The only way for us to escape the vicious circle of rising gasoline prices is not to production vehicle we have to depend on it again. That is why the State of the Union, I called on Congress to establish energy security trust fund to finance research new technologies to help us achieve that goal. "

According to a White House statement, the funds are used to invest in the breakthrough research to help future technologies become cheaper and better, the technology can help protect households Americans from rising gas prices and allows Americans can use the electric vehicles and renewable fuels.

Last month, Obama called on Congress to further efforts to deal with climate change, and he plans to impose new fuel economy standards for cars as well as resume development efforts wind energy, solar and cleaner gas.

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