Monday, March 25, 2013

Aston Martin DB5: Old but still strong enough to shine

The highlight of the event anniversary Aston Martin in Shanghai, China was the DB5 hit.

Under the plan, the company Aston Martin will celebrate its 100th birthday next year. Celebration of 100 anniversary of Aston Martin will take place from 15-21/7/2014. To mark an important milestone in the development history, Aston Martin is expected to organize a lot of special events.

One of the ways to celebrate the 100th birthday of a series of open events at the headquarters of Aston Martin. Besides the events at the plant and the trip paraded around England and Wales. In it, a trip to march the route to visit some of the filming locations 007.

This is the plan of the Aston Martin. Meanwhile, the agent of Aston Martin has its own anniversary. Typical of them is a Aston Martin dealer in Shanghai, China.

                                                             Aston Martin DB5 in Shanghai.

Specifically, the agency held a screening of the new James Bond film titled Skyfall. At the same time, agents also showcases a number of vehicles, most notably the Aston Martin DB5. Other cars include the Aston Martin DB9, DBS and Vantage.




Page GTSpirit have on hand a number of pictures taken at the event by Shanghai Aston Martin dealer organization. Contemplate these images:

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