Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Dubai to focus on developing strong tourism ~ travel

- While many economies in Europe and Asia are struggling to seek a balance between industrial development and services, then Dubai has found his own direction and quite successful.

In recent years, the number of visitors to Dubai record highs. They were impressed with the skyscrapers and vibrant beaches year-round sunshine in this country. After a record 10 million passengers in 2012, Dubai wants to double that number next 7 years.

Mr Helal Almarry, Dubai Tourism Director said: "We set the goal of bringing the number of visitors to 20 million by 2020. This goal is entirely feasible. "

Currently, tourists Saudi Arabia, India and Russia are the three groups most numerous visitors to Dubai. That number skyrocketed in recent years by Dubai to avoid a political crisis and the outbreak of violence in many neighboring countries.

A tourist from the UK, said: "Activity in Dubai travel very convenient and safe for all subjects, especially women."

In Dubai, visitors can delight in shopping centers and supermarkets major resorts. Also, the scene in Dubai is very beautiful with skyscrapers and monumental buildings.

The tourism industry is very important for Dubai economy, Dubai's GDP is estimated at $ 900 billion. Dubai to 3-fold increase tourism income up to about $ 82 billion in 2020. The room rate at the hotel room in Dubai about 80,000, about 78% in 2012. The number of tourists increased by 9.3% over the same period to $ 10.16 million. Dubai is building more oceanographic Dubai areas, fish markets, traditional markets as well as Islamic museum.

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