Sunday, June 16, 2013

AAA said the hands-free technology ~ car loan

After research by scientific instruments, said AAA handsfree technology is not the solution to the problem of distracted driving.

A recent study shows that technology allows hands-free driving enabled phone, messaging, compose and send email while driving is as dangerous as hand to do the above.

Fund Traffic Safety American Automobile Association (American Automobile Association, AAA) a non-profit organization with 51 million members, recently associated with the University of Utah Research mild distraction for the hands-free of the automobile manufacturers. Although billed as safer, but the study found that hands-free technology is still impair brain function.

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The study was led by Dr. David Strayer, assessed the brain activity of people driving to work once more with instrumentation brain waves, eye movements, and many other measurements. The study focused on testing as driving while listening to audio books, talking on the phone, compose and reply to email messages by voice.

 The research team discovered doing simple things like listening to the radio while driving without losing focus. Research has put the phone to talk hands-free even in the kind of "moderate risk", but email message replies voice is classified as "high risk".

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Research also shows that as much as driving a slower reaction time and the ability to recognize the traffic signs and red lights, such as the ability to see pedestrians decreases. Dr. David Strayer explained, the brain acts as the processor of the computer. When you open more applications, the more reduced the processing speed.

Based on his study, AAA urges automobile manufacturers limited or canceled completely hands-free technology when the car is running. AAA also expects policy makers have a dialogue with the members of the traffic safety organizations.

AAA is not held against the first hands-free technology, but the research organization problems by scientific instruments.

Since 2010 there have been warning the public about this issue, recently, on 02/12/2012 The American Traffic drafted recommendations call for all states ban phone use while driving, including phone "hands-free". This proposal is more stringent regulations in many states (currently only ban cell phones or text messaging and do not see hands-free phone technology is likely to cause accidents). On 04/23/2013, NHTSA (the U.S. traffic safety agency) announced "not encouraged" the phone system integration and messaging into infotainment systems in cars. NHTSA consider removing technology requires the driver to leave your hands off the wheel or your eyes off the lane to exceed 2 seconds. NHTSA may consider the text message short, prepared as "is driving, then replied," "Coming back home" v, v. For the display of maps, location information on the screen, NHTSA approval, but not recommended to display images (taken from satellites) and 3D images.

U.S. Transportation Department also said it would issue regulations for hands-free technology as a complete reference of public opinion and stakeholders.

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