Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Yamaha XS650 - bobber, chopper cafe racer

Two brothers employer Chappell Customs each with a style, but Yamaha XS650 born 1982 shows peaceful co-existence with unique expressions.
Rob and Chris Chappell Customs operating but each one place and another 4,800 km, Chris in Los Angeles (USA) Rob in Ontario (Canada). While Rob's style cafe racer, Chris leaning bobber and chopper style. But both have jointly launched the attention work, including Yamaha XS650 life 1982.

                           Yamaha XS650 fenders, single saddle, fork pair nicely with more restraint.The car harmony between distinctive style, with redesigned frame, a pair of fork to the simple but impressive and exciting wheels size 19 inch. The creation of a new saddle requires the elaborate investment by two brothers like that is where the idea of ​​"saddle is suspended in the air as soon as the frame to the point."
And to complete the new design, the fuel tank is Rob and Chris hand made, not ready-made fuel tank. Next, saddle leather with 33 (3rd letter of the alphabet alphabet "C", and two 3 mean "CC" is the abbreviation of Chappell Customs).

                               Looking from the top to see all the particular contours of the vehicle.
The engine also is refined, clean, new network Piston-cylinder polished ... Power system, the vehicle using the ignition Boyer, Sparx capacitors and permanent magnet alternators. Finally, the battery is placed in a leather bag by Chris and his wife own design. The work completed was named Stout 33.

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