Observe and learn the driving operation is not difficult, but to become a habit, drivers need to implement persistence with a focused attitude, seriously.
During practice, if you make a mistake, please fix and practiced the operation again.Before driving
Reasonable adjust seat ensures comfortable sitting posture, make operation easy and accurate.
Panel 3 mirrors for best vision. Tools pillow headrest fit physique. Make sure the seat belt tight body wear.
Observing the posture of the others in the car. Reminder, guiding people sitting wrong (especially with children).
Adjust the mirrors before driving.Signal at the right time
Vehicles parked at the curb, turn poker-face at least 5 seconds and then put the car into lane.
On poker-face earlier time navigation for at least 3 seconds.
Signal last at least 2 seconds to switch lanes.
Before signaling the car to avoid bracelets even when exercising.
View mirror before signaling or brake.
Before the brake warning.Observed around
Reduce speed when not able to observe what is happening with the front five.
Go slow when entering the intersection and observe other drivers even if you are on the right path.
Looking at the intersection regardless of whether you have the right to turn right.
Glanced at the vehicle around.
Looking over his shoulder before switching lanes, if necessary, can last neck to observe the blind spot space.Avoid application of the law machinery
Stop the car even if the lights turn green if the means of the other not out of the intersection.
Maintain speed limits.
Go slower car in front of at least 3 seconds.
To space when parked tandem.
Drive slowly to the intersection even if the lights turn green, check to make sure no one through a red light.
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