Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Shelby 1000 S / C: 1200 horsepower muscle supercar

Muscle car world's most powerful Shelby 1000 SC will be officially unveiled at the New York International Auto Show 2013.
Shelby advertising is "the most powerful car in the number of commercial vehicles in the world," Shelby 1000 S / C 2013 will be unveiled at the New York International Auto Show 2013, which takes place next week. The picture below is the first official images of the 1000 Shelby S / C.
Car power still comes from the same 5.8 liter V8 as the standard Ford Mustang Shelby GT500, but after the upgrade, new cars have a capacity of up to 1,200 horsepower, much higher than 662 horsepower of the original Shelby GT500.
In 2012, Shelby introduced a car called the Shelby 1000, the car has 950 horsepower and was released at the New York International Auto Show 2012.
Shelby announced the clear picture of the car, the car is equipped with a new booster pumping system, to help it be more dramatic power.
Adding strength is not the only new in Shelby 1000 S / C. Control system, adjustable suspension set up ... Read more about this upgrade will be Shelby introduced next week.
According posted on Leftlanenews, if you are interested in car very strong muscles, you prepared an original Shelby GT500, and are willing to spend more $ 154,995 to turn the car into Shelby 1000 S / C.
The total amount to be spent to get the muscle car extremely powerful is $ 209,645. This amount is quite high with a muscle car, but cheaper than the Ferrari or McLaren, the car has a capacity of only about half the capacity of Shelby 1000 S / C.

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