Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Porsche 911 Has new competition from McLaren

New sports cars McLaren being developed under the segment of MP4-12C and will become the rival of Porsche 911.
Earlier this month, McLaren has officially unveiled the McLaren supercar P1, the successor to the legendary McLaren F1 supercar. Recently, McLaren has promised that every year the company will release a new model. Accordingly, after the arrival of the McLaren P1 will be a new sports car under the segment of the McLaren MP4-12C, the car is known for its code-named P13. This information has been posted on MotorAuthority.
According to sources, the new sports car design will have two seats, a car design is simple and practical than the MP4-12C. According to McLaren, the new sports car will have the highest sales in the company's product line, McLaren aims to sell about 2,000 to 2,500 pcs P13 each year worldwide.
Famous super car company from the UK stressed that P13 is built to become the rival of Porsche 911, at least in terms of price. McLaren has not revealed the expected price of P13, but more likely this sports car will cost less than U.S. $ 200,000, the price is enough to make a big enough gap to McLaren supercar MP4-12C supercar cost about $ 250,000, this makes the McLaren will not compete with each other.
McLaren did not reveal any information about the motor system of the P13. According to MotorAuthority, the more likely McLaren P13 will be equipped with Twin-Turbo V8 engine, the same engine as in the MP4-12C, but with lower power. McLaren MP4-12C has a capacity of 625 horsepower, so capacity of P13 can stay around 500 horsepower, equivalent to the power of the Porsche 911.
Most likely the design of the McLaren P13 style is influenced from P1, with many curves and aerodynamic factors. Besides the car will also have more modern equipment.
Statement each year will have a new car, most likely McLaren P13 will be put into production as early as 2014.

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