Monday, March 25, 2013

Horn appeared ever since?

Basis for the formation of a car horn originated from England in the early years of the 19th century.

Act of England
Horn has become familiar and common life. In fact, the vehicle horn and two similar concepts by simply hard to find the car missing the whistle.

                                                         History horn formed by an Act of the UK
Horn was invented at the end of the cars pulled by horse power. In the early 19th century, steam-powered cars began popular in the United Kingdom. In order to protect the safety of pedestrians and animals, a law was enacted, which clearly states: "... Vehicles operating on the street need a guide to walk forward to waving flags and blowing whistles signaling ".
Horn tube elected
At the end of the 19th century, the automobile steering wheel invented a signaling device for vehicles including tube whistle elected, whistles and bells. In the U.S., people mainly use the bell. Although the device is still noise on the street, but over known horseshoe bumps and bouncing on rocky rim, bell car still proved more quiet.

                                          Car horn boss appears at the end of the 19th centuryThe early years of the 20th century, first elected tube whistle was introduced in France and spread rapidly in the United States. The sound of this horn more quiet and pleasant sound of the siren tones.
Exhaust whistle
By the year 1910, many drivers would like to have a more effective warning device: a remote siren rang at least 1/8 miles. Manufacturers racing to create a series new style horn, some of which are powered by the exhaust gases.

The whistle Sireno, is named after a Greek mythical mascot in common singing the maritime charm and destroy them, has been advertised as the buzzer rang up to a mile away. Another whistle called Godin also comes with a powerful slogan "Press the horn when driving, comfortable way."
Gabriel and Klaxon horn
One of the most famous car horn from 1910 to 1920 is the the Gabriel horn, was named pipe of gods blew the horn. Gabriel horn for different timbre. Sound emitted firmly but quite pleasant to listen to.Horn appeared ever since?

Gabriel's horn designs
In addition, another famous horn Klaxon. This is the horn is derived from the Greek. Klaxo means "scream" sound created by a metal diaphragm electric knife. Klaxon horn is first whistle just click once to pronounce instead of clicking repeatedly pitched to clear way ahead.

Sound the horn
Horn Klaxon style diaphragm continue to be developed for many years and then became the foundation for the current form of the modern horn diaphragm. The manufacturer has tested the diaphragm type and negative cavity to create a variety of different sounds. Most notably is negative "Aoogha" of the whistle fitted on the Ford Model T and Model A version from the 1920s to the early 1930s.Horn appeared ever since?

                                                           Horn sound based on the notes
In those years, a lot of research as well as new design has been used in the production of car horns in order to create the most pleasant whistle but still enough wine on noisy roads. It was not until the mid-60th century, a new American car horn is adjusted to create the according note Mi or Chengdu. Since then, many manufacturers continue to improve the sound of car horns and raise it up off the FA color or colors.
Anti-abuse history horn
The noise level of traffic on the rise and with it, the car makers also do its best to create the interior noise level dropped to near zero.
In fact, they were quite successful. Even whistle ambulance, usually loud whistles are often hard to hear when you are sitting in the car with out air and close the window. Even when the window is open, high-speed vehicle with the maximum increase the noise level in the cabin, the car is also difficult to hear the whistle signaling.

                       Many countries have long been advised to avoid using too much horn
However, pedestrians and people living near the street who suffered whistle. For years, they have asked the government many laws to restrict press the horn on the street.
In 1912, a large number of city records laws require vehicles must be equipped with a siren warning system and avoid using too many whistles in the city. During the decade of 50, 60, 70, some states in the U.S. have piloted the law governing the use of horns while still allowing the driver to use the horn. Many local and regional laws still in effect to this day.

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