Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Audi increased "output" A6 and A7

Due to the increasing demand for Audi A6 and A7, the German car company to decide for production lines running at full capacity.

According to information recently posted on Worldcarfans, Audi will increase 12 shifts at its plant in Neckarsulm, Germany, to meet the growing demand for the Audi A6 and A7.

Increased production of Audi will be done right in the first quarter of this year, and the plan, Audi will ship more about the 2600 A6 and A7 by increasing production in the first quarter.

The famous luxury car maker also stressed that economic conditions are expected to remain difficult in 2013, the car market in the European region will probably continue to shrink, however, luxury car segment will not be affected much of the crisis is considered the most persistent in decades.

With the launch of the Audi A3 car line and expand its SUV, Audi expects continued growth in both sales and revenue this year. From now to 2015, Audi will invest 11 billion euros - the equivalent of U.S. $ 14.2 billion, to increase production, and launching more new models.

Picture Audi A6 and A7, the two models are very expensive Audi:

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